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About Becket

Becket is a nonprofit organization that provides an array of youth and family driven solutions, including: individual and family therapy, targeted case management, mentoring, home-based treatment, and residential care.

Becket agencies strive to help clients reach their full potential by providing an array of adult, youth, and family-driven solutions, including home-based treatment, residential treatment, community-based family support, mentoring, residential respite, targeted case management, academic support, family therapy, transitional living, shared-living, and other therapeutic interventions. Our culturally sensitive, evidence-based treatment services ensure that each client has the support necessary to overcome challenges.


Company programs serve clients across New England and offer targeted services that address a variety of disorders and pathologies, including:

  • OCD/Anxiety

  • Behavior and Conduct Issues

  • Attachment Disorders and History of Trauma

  • PTSD

  • Mood Disorders Including Bipolar Disorder

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Developmental Disabilities

  • History of Institutional Placement

Watch the Becket Video

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